Royal Devon Hospitals Charity

Heidi's Bramble Ward fundraiser

Heidi's Bramble Ward Fundraiser

Heidi's Bramble Ward Fundraiser

My Story

Heidi stayed on the Bramble Ward at the RD&E Hospital between July and November 2022. We first had to come here for help in March 2022 and will need ongoing support. 

She's been making lots of crafts and giving them to people working in the hospital as well as leaving worry worms (made by her Mum) for people to find. Heidi earned a Brownie badge from doing this fundraising, won the Brownies Devon Commissioners Award and will raise much needed funds for refurbishing the children's ward too. Thank you for visiting this page and donating if you can. 



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Heidi stayed on the Bramble Ward at the RD&E Hospital between July and November 2022. We first had to come here for help in March 2022 and will need ongoing support. 

She's been making lots of crafts and giving them to people working in the hospital as well as leaving worry worms (made by her Mum) for people to find. Heidi earned a Brownie badge from doing this fundraising, won the Brownies Devon Commissioners Award and will raise much needed funds for refurbishing the children's ward too. Thank you for visiting this page and donating if you can.